Early foreign language learning

Professional Trainer : Thomai Alexiou

Thursday, 7 March 2019 - From 09:00am to 12:00pm
01:00pm to 04:00pm (repeated)

Click here for Trainer’s Bio

Course Description

The course will be divided into 2 strands. The first one will be titled 'EFL Vocabulary building for young learners' and the second one will be titled 'Adapting EFL materials for young learners with dyslexia'. Both seminars will start with a short theoretical overview and will be followed of a practical workshop with hands on activities.

Course Aim

The first course aims to familiarize EFL teachers of the importance of vocabulary in the early EFL context and to show several ways and practical examples of vocabulary development for this age group. The second seminar aims to inform teachers on symptoms and issues of dyslexia and introduce ways and examples to adapt learning materials for young learners with dyslexia.

Anticipated Outcomes

The first course on vocabulary will introduce teachers of the significance of early vocabulary development and will show them techniques and methods of vocabulary building from an early age.
The second workshop on dyslexia will inform teachers of the difficulties learners with dyslexia face in EFL. Teachers will also be trained on adapting the teaching material in order to successfully accommodate their learners in the classroom.