Effective Formative Feedback with Educational Technology

Professional Trainer: CJ (Christina) Davison

Thursday, 7 March 2019 - From 09:00am to 12:00pm

Click here for Trainer’s Bio

Course Description

Formative assessment helps us know what our students have understood so we can modify instruction. However, it is even more helpful for learning if students learn to self-assess what they know, so they can figure out what they need to do to build their knowledge. In this workshop, we will look at the qualities of effective formative assessment, and then we will compare and contrast available technology tools to help support it. Participants will experiment with tools for live polling, quizzing games, audio/screencasting feedback, interactive video lessons, and writing tools. We will discuss the practicalities of each technology and experience them as a learner. Come for some ideas to improve engagement with formative assessment and feedback! Bring along your laptop to be able to participate in this session fully. ALL PARTICIPANTS ARE EXPECTED TO BRING THEIR LAPTOPS.

Course Aim

The aim of this session is to intentionally match needs for formative assessment and feedback with appropriate educational technologies. We will experiment with various tools (for example, Poll Everywhere, Quizizz, Prowritingaid, ClassroomQ, Edpuzzle, Plickers, Screencast-o-matic) depending on participant feedback.

Anticipated Outcomes

  • Explain the pedagogical value of formative assessment and feedback supported by educational technology to improve student learning.
  • Experience, appraise and evaluate technology to support formative assessment and feedback.
    Plan implementation of educational technology into teaching.
  • Reflect on individual use of educational technology to improve teaching practice.