Keynote Speakers
United Arab Emirates.
Prof. Shehdeh Fareh, PhD and MPhil in Linguistics from the University of Kansas; and MA in TEFL from the University of Jordan. He Taught undergraduate and graduate students at MA and PhD levels at the University of Jordan and the University of Sharjah. Currently he is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sharjah in the UAE and the director of the Language Institute at the same university. His research interests include Contrastive Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Translation, and TEFL. Prof. Fareh published widely in international journals and translated more than twenty books from English into Arabic. He is the main author of a series of books for teaching English to Arab learners, one of these books is Better English Now (Grades 1-12). He is the coauthor of a number of university textbooks including Introduction to Linguistics (in Arabic); Teaching Literature: A Task-based Approach; English for Medicine and Health Sciences; Communication Skills; and Coauthor of a book for teaching Arabic to non-Arabic speakers: تكلم العربية
Professor LOW Ee Ling is Dean, Academic and Faculty Affairs and the immediate past Dean, Teacher Education. She is a Professor of Education (Applied Linguistics and Teacher Education at the English Language & Literature Academic Group at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. She obtained her in Linguistics (Acoustic Phonetics) from the University of Cambridge, UK under the NTU-NIE Overseas Graduate Scholarship. She won the Fulbright Advanced Research Scholarship which she spent at the Lynch School of Education at Boston College. Professor Low is an internationally renowned expert in Teacher Education and World Englishes. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the AILA Review, series editor of the Routledge Studies in World Englishes, a co- series editor of Springer’s Empowering Teaching and Learning through Policies and Practice: Singapore and International Perspectives (ETLP) and Walter de Gruyter’s Handbooks of Applied Linguistics. She is a member of the OECD Education 2030 Scientific Committee and the Forum for World Education (FWE) Steering Committee. In 2021, she was recognized for her exemplary scholarship by the Academy for Leadership in Teacher Education (ALiTE), University of Hong Kong and appointed as a member of the Board of Governors for the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO). In 2022, she was elected as a Fellow of the prestigious International Academy of Education based in Belgium.
Michelle Picard is incoming Professor and Pro Vice Chancellor Learning and Teaching Innovation at Flinders University, Australia. She served as Dean Learning and Teaching and Acting Executive Dean at Murdoch University, Australia, Deputy Director English Language and Foundation Studies Centre at the University of Newcastle Australia and Director, Researcher Education and Associate Dean Learning and Teaching at Adelaide University, Australia. She has worked as an academic and English Language teacher in Australia, the UAE, The Sultanate of Oman, and South Africa and regularly taught in Singapore. Michelle researches, publishes, and supervises in the areas of cultural identity representation in EFL/ESL teaching, mental well-being and equity in higher education and academic literacies including academic integrity. She is also active in online and blended education and their intersection with language. She is one of the editors of Advancing Scholarship and Research in Higher Education (ASHRE), a journal of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia (HERDSA) and serves on the editorial boards of the International Journal for Educational Integrity and the Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT) and numerous special editions. She is the authors of two of the Epigeum (Oxford University Press) Academic Integrity: For Students modules.
الإمارات العربية المتحدة
الشاعر والأديب والمؤرخ والإعلامي الدكتور خليل عيلبوني، عمل في إذاعة أبوظبي، وعُرف ببرنامجه الشهير “الذهب الأسود” الذي استمر عشرين عاماً، إضافة إلى برامج أدبية وشعرية أخرى قدمها مثل برنامج "خفقات قلب" وبرنامج "شعر وموسيقا".
وله نشاطاته الإعلامية في الأدب والشعر، وصدرت له العديد من الكتب منها: (أبوظبي زمن البدايات) و(شاعر وقصيدة) و(زايد الإنسان) و(ديوان شعر- الأصم) و(ديوان شعر- ثلاثيات). وله عمود أسبوعي في صحيفة البيان الإماراتية تحت عنوان (اللغة العربية إلى أين)، ويشغل اليوم منصب مدير معهد تدريس اللغة العربية في كلية الشرطة في أبوظبي، وهو لم يدخر جهداً في أداء واجبه تجاه وطنه دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. وقد كان له شرف إعلان قيام دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة عبر أثير إذاعة أبوظبي في الثاني من ديسمبر عام 1971.