- للاستفسار يرجى التواصل مع الدكتور / صلاح الدين دراوشة – رئيس مسار اللغة العربية في المؤتمر E-mail: Salah.Darawsheh@zu.ac.ae

Thursday 18 March 2021 |
UAE Time |
05:00pm-05:15pm |
Opening Session |
05:15pm-06:00pm |
Keynote SpeakerDr. David Newby, Graz University, Austria Teaching grammar in the 21st century: a Cognitive-Communicative approach |
Friday 19 March 2021 |
01:00pm - 02:25pm Local Time |
Panel 01 |
Panel 02A |
Panel 03A |
Panel 04A |
Student motivation |
Technology-based teaching and learning |
Teaching language skills and subskills |
Teaching approaches and classroom practices |
Rana Khan (Kuwait) Motivating Students Intrinsically Through ESP and Integration of Academic and Professional Skills in EMI Context |
Maisa Obeid (UAE) Tips for Creating Accessible Course Materials |
Ghada Al Murshidi (UAE) Innovative Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching Students Literacy in Higher Education |
Bothaina Eisa (Egypt) Approaches to the Teaching of Shakespearean Drama at University |
Soad Mizher (KSA) Curate, Organize and ride the Wave with Wakelet |
Peter Davidson (UAE) Accommodating Students of Determination in the Classroom and During Assessment |
Mutaib Alotaibi (KSA) Three Effective steps for Teaching Writing Skills to Novice Arab Learners of English |
Zainab Aldhanhani (UAE) Oral Reading Fluency: An Investigation of Reading-aloud Strategies in Private Schools in the UAE. |
Juwaeriah Siddiqui (UAE) Exploring Attractor States that Impact Motivation among L2 Learners of Arabic in UAE. |
Ouarda Khouni & Amany Alsabbagh (UAE) Using Audiobooks to Assist Foreign Language Struggling Readers |
Hedieh Najafi & Winona Smith (UAE) Practical Tips for IELTS Reading |
Eric Hagley (Australia/Japan) Internationalize your class room with online exchange |
Omer Salama Idris (KSA) The positive Impact of psychological and technical skills on online teaching |
Olga Samsonova (USA) Higher Education Students' Experience of Distance Learning During COVID-19 |
Ahlam Alshehri (KSA) Motivating Writing Ideas... |
Nazanin Dehdary (Oman) From Reading for Comprehension to Reading for Transformation |
Fawzia Al Ghamdi (KSA) Design Thinking for Promoting Students' Creativity |
Vasila Al Khaldi & Maisa El Gamal (UAE) Tailoring Assignments to Meet Individual’s Languages of Learning |
Friday 19 March 2021 |
02:30pm - 03:55pm | Local Time |
Panel 08 |
Panel 06A |
Panel 05 |
Panel 011 |
Classroom based research and research-based teaching |
Teacher education and professional development |
Language Assessment |
Adult and early childhood language learning |
Ali Shehadeh (UAE) Cooperative Language Learning in the L2 Classroom: From Conceptualization to Implementation and Back |
Kara McKeown & Jenny Eppard (UAE) An investigation into expat faculty and home students’ expectations of a higher education learning environment. |
Peter Davidson (UAE) What every teacher should know about Learning-Oriented Assessment |
Ranjani Ramnath (UAE) Learning the Script of Mother Tongue as an Adult: A Comparative Auto-Ethnographic Study |
Hisham Al Blushi & Saif Al Yarabi (Oman) Students-teachers’ perspectives in bridging students' writing gap in EFL |
Mahmoud Nafa (UAE) Reading Comprehension Texts Exploitation Strategies |
Jason Thompson (UAE) A language test cycle: the development of a speaking test |
Negmeldin Alsheikh & Shaikha Saeed (UAE) An Exploration of Emirati Parents’ Involvement in their Children’s English Reading |
Suhair Al Alami & Anjum Azeez (UAE) Intercultural Exchange Projects in the Twenty-First Century: Points to Ponder |
Lama Mahmoud & Rima Al Chaar (UAE) Unleashing the Power of Drawing-Assisted Writing Activity |
Evelina Johansson (Sweden) Teachers’ experiences with higher-order thinking assessment in online EFL courses |
Bernadette Fakhry & and Negmeldin Alsheikh (UAE) The Contextual Features of a Virtual Library as Multimodal and Multiliteracies Site for Learning |
Christine Coombe (UAE) Classroom Management: Empirical and Practical Perspectives |
Jennifer Law (UAE) Aproaches to teacher professional development that promote diversification and equality in teaching and learning |
Negmeldin, Maha Alhabbash, Najah Al Mohammedi & Safa Alothali (UAE) Contesting National and International Standardized English Languages Tests on Test Specification |
Sanja Ivanovic (UAE) Learner Passport as a Self-assessment Tool for Fostering Learner Autonomy among Young Learners |
Abdulaziz Alenazi (KSA) Demotivation Among ESL Teachers: Reducing Barriers to Quality Education |
Yamen Dridi (Oman) The Role of Effective Feedback on Developing Autonomous Writers |
Mais Ahmed & Negmeldin Alsheikh (UAE) Falling through the Cracks: Transfer-students and English Language Competency Dilemma |
Friday 19 March 2021 |
04:00pm - 05:25pm | Local Time |
Panel 07A |
Panel 02C |
Panel 03B |
Panel 04B |
استخدام التكنولوجيا الحديثة في تدريس اللغة العربية |
Technology-based teaching and learning |
Teaching language skills and subskills |
Teaching approaches and classroom practices |
رحاب محمد الشافعي (الإمارات) أثر الألعاب الرقمية في تنمية مهارات النضح الاليكتروني لدى طفل الروضة |
Mary Helen Lanaghan & Omar Hachemi (UAE) A 21st Century Project: Connecting Online and in the Field |
Jaime Buchanan & Tony Myers (UAE) Rethinking definitions of student-centred learning in the Gulf: Reading to Learn in Higher Education |
Erna Grcic (UAE) Who’s Afraid of Reading Poetry: Exploring Active Approaches in Teaching Poetic Texts |
Roweena Belal (KSA) جمع ونظم مصادرك باستخدام أداة ويكليت |
Rania Jabr (Egypt) Lifelong learning via digital literacy tool and skills |
Telma Steinhagen & Andrea Mayr (UAE) “Make Reading Great Again": Introducing Active Reading Strategies across Curricula |
Huda Al Shareef (KSA) Creative Thinking, a Way of Successful Teaching |
Ashraf Alrassoul (الإمارات) أثر استخدام الأيباد والتطبيقات الإلكترونية كوسيلة تعليمية لمادة القراءة في الصف الدراسي: دراسة حالة على طلاب الصف الأول |
Ruqaiya Al Balushi (Oman) EFL School Teachers’ Integration of Technology in the Language Classroom: Findings from Action Research |
Assel Tukhtabayeva (Kazakhastan) Touristic discourse: Strategies and difficulties in translating touristic texts |
Rawan Al Ruwaili (KSA) Using drama in teaching English: a holistic approach |
محمود الغزاوي اثر تقنيات التكنولوجيا الرقمية ووسائل الاتصالات الالكترونية في تعلم اللغة العربية |
Amel Benaissa (Algeria) The Use of Online Quizlets and Digital Flashcards to Enhance Students’ Cognitive Skills |
Sophie Thompson & Emma Marsden (UK) Teaching learners to process morphosyntactic cues: Active and passive voice in second language English |
Dahlia Aboulmaaty (KSA) Instructor's Creativity to Motivate their Learners: Focusing on Vocabulary |
ميساء عبيد (الإمارات) إنشاء موارد تعليمية سهلة الوصول لجميع الطلبة |
Sally Ali (Egypt) Strategies for Developing Students’ Listening Skills |
Inas Kotby (Egypt) Recipe to Maximise Motivation and Stimulate Creativity |
UAE Time |
05:30pm-06:15pm |
Keynote Speaker Professor Doreen Ewert University of San Francisco, USA Extensive Reading: Maximizing Opportunities for Implicit Learning |
Saturday 20 March 2021 |
UAE Time |
01:00pm-01:45pm |
Keynote Speaker Ali Al-Issa Sultan Qaboos University, Oman Preparing “Professional” Teachers for an Ideologically Conflicting ELT |
02:00pm - 03:25pm |Local Time |
Panel 07B |
Panel 06B |
Panel 010 |
Panel 04C |
قضايا تربوية حول تعليم اللغة العربية |
Teacher education and professional development |
Globalization and bilingualism |
Teaching approaches and classroom practices |
عروبة المحيسن (الأردن) اثر استراتيجية لعب الأدوار على تنمية مهارة المحادثة في مبحث اللغة العربية لدى طلبة المرحلة الأساسية |
Anna Hasper (UAE) Grammar Range and Accuracy: achieving higher IELTS band scores |
Carina Rasse (Austria) Idiomatic Mastery in a Second Language: The Role of Conceptual Metaphors |
Connie Mitchell (KSA) Students Learn Research Strategies Using Discourse Analysis |
هالة محمد أحمد (الإمارات) مهارات المعرفة القرائية: الواقع والمأمول |
Anna Hasper (UAE) Research to Action: new tools for IELTS teachers and students |
Glenda El Gamal (UAE) Building Intercultural Competence: A Phenomenonological Investigation of UAE Engineering Students' Intercultural Experience |
Summer Loomis (UAE) Case Study: Classroom Observation of Three Arabic Class Sessions |
نفله الاحبابي (الإمارات) إشكاليات تدريس اللغة العربية بين الواقع وسياق العولمة |
Sophie Thompson & Inge Alferink (UK) Using OASIS summaries to facilitate a dialogue between research and pedagogy |
Abdelhamid Bessaid (KSA) Language Conflict in Algeria, Arabic vs French: A Linguistic Overview. |
Zakaria Mahmoud (KSA) Building Spoken Fluency |
غادة الجشعم (الإمارات) أثر التواصل الفعّال مع أولياء الأمور عبر أنشطة التعلم على تطوير الكتابة الوظيفية في التعليم الأساسي |
Christine coombe, Lana Hiasat & Nadia Kettell (UAE) Resource Development for English Language Teacher’s Research Readiness |
Bouchra Kachoub (UAE) English vs Arabic Use in School and the Workplace: The Case of Abu Dhabi |
Majed Alharbi & Abdul Rahman Alqifari (KSA) L2 Arab Writers’ Voices and Institutional Practices |
صلاح الدين أحمد دراوشة(الإمارات) اختبار تحديد المستوى في اللغة العربية للطّلبة الملتحقين بمؤسّسات التّعليم العالي: الماهية والخصائص والتصميم |
Salah Mohammed Elhassan (Oman) Making sense of Advice in Post-Lesson Conferences During Teaching in Teacher Education |
Sarah Hopkyns & Wafa Zoghbor (UAE) Translingual practices as a source of empowerment in Emirati higher education |
Ghadha Alnasser (KSA) The Impact of Interaction between Teachers Written Feedback Practices and Students Processing |
Saturday 20 March 2021 |
03:30pm - 04:55pm | Local Time |
Panel 07C |
Panel 02B |
Panel 03C |
Panel 014 |
التحدث بالعربية: الاحتواء وإثارة الدافعية |
Technology-based teaching |
Teaching language skills and subskills |
Curriculum Development |
بشرى النقبي (الإمارات) إمتاع يعقبه إبداع - إثارة دافعية الطلبة |
Yahya Al Khoudari (Canada) The Impact of Utilizing Technology on Students’ Communication Skills |
Larysa Nikolaeva (UAE) Reader Response to Text Adaptation: A Study of Female Emirati Undergraduate Students |
Reema Qarallah (Jordan) Let the end be your start! ESP curriculum development. |
محمد سلامي (الإمارات) بعض المفاهيم السيميائية ودورها في بناء الوعي النقدي لدى متعلم اللغة العربية |
Babikir Siddig (Oman) Social Media in Teaching of Languages |
Mohamed Aboulela (Egypt) FlaxIt: Teaching Academic Collocations |
Safaa Abdalla Eissa (KSA) TEFL Student-teachers as Curriculum Co-authors: A case Study of Curriculum developers and implementers |
نورة الحمادي (الإمارات) قرأت لكم: تعزيز ثقافة القراءة من خلال التوثيق ومشاركة الاقتباسات |
Syed Adil (India) Rebuilding the Attention Span and Focus in EFL/ESL Classrooms in the Perspective of Digital Environment |
MUhammedali Chalikandy (India) Should we Teach Grammar in EFL Classrooms? Teachers’ Beliefs |
Omar Al Sawafi (Oman) The Inconsistency Between Teachers’ Stated Beliefs about Implementation of ELT Innovations and Their Actual Practices |
سناء المجايدة (الإمارات) حرية الاختيار في صف اللغة العربية الجامعي |
Soad Essam Mizher (KSA) Amplifying Students’ Voice with Flipgrid and Skype in the Classroom |
Ahmad Masrai (KSA) Is it phonological or orthographic vocabulary size that predict processing speed of L2 written texts? |
Arwa Aldawood & Fatimah Almeshari (KSA) Effects of Learning Culture on English-Language Learning for Saudi EFL Students |
خديجة الحميد (الإمارات) جمالياتُ التواصلِ بالعربيةِ: تعبيراتُ التلطُّفِ نموذجًا |
Nadine Jaafarawi (UAE) Enhancing UAE students’ Reading Comprehension Through a Task-Based Approach |
Alla Savelyeva (Azerbaijan) Implementing project-based language learning in first-year writing: Benefits and challenges |
UAE Time |
05:00pm-05:45pm |
Keynote Speaker Dr. Mario Moya, University of Easts London, UK Using Linguistically Appropriate Practice in Language Teaching and Learning |
05:45pm-06:00pm |
Closing remarks |