Keynote Speakers

Graz University

University of
San Francisco

Sultan Qaboos

University of
East London
The Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching International Conference and Exhibition (ALLT 2021) will be held from March 18th to 20th 2021 (Online), under the theme:
21st Century Linguistics and Language Teaching: Bridging Diversification and Equality in the Classroom
The Conference aims to enhance the professional and knowledge levels of the teachers and applied linguists through achieving the following objectives:
- Exchange knowledge and experiences and discuss mechanisms of elevating the performance level of both fields specialists.
- Inform the participants of the latest international publications in the fields of teaching and applied linguistics.
- Present latest modern technologies and leading practices of the fields of English teaching and Applied Linguistics.
- Highlight the importance of scientific research conducted by the applied linguists and enhance the overall performance of English teachers
- Promote the culture of innovation and leadership in both fields.
- Recruit qualified personnel to work at educational institutions.
The conference organizers invite you to submit a proposal which addresses the theme of the conference.